Search Task API

Method: GET


This API endpoint allows you to check the status of your video generation task and retrieve the final video URL once the generation is complete. This API is free to use and does not consume any credits.

Query Parameters

taskIdstringYesThe task ID received from the Generate API

Example Request:


Response Fields

codeintegerHTTP status code
messagestringResponse message
data.statestringTask status: "pending", "processing", "completed", or "failed"
data.videoUrlstringURL of the generated video (only when state is "completed")
data.videoDurationnumberDuration of the generated video in seconds
data.widthintegerWidth of the generated video in pixels
data.heightintegerHeight of the generated video in pixels
data.thumbnailUrlstringURL of the video thumbnail image


  • It's recommended to poll this endpoint periodically (e.g., every 5-10 seconds) until the state is either "completed" or "failed"
  • The video URL and thumbnail URL are only available when the state is "completed"
  • Video files and thumbnails are temporarily stored and may expire after 24 hours
  • This API endpoint is free to use and does not consume any credits